Watching porn should be a temporarily fix for you, is it?

watching_pornEvery man has watch porn at least once in their lifetime. I know I have and still do.

Whether it’s adult films or a movie with sexual scenes.

You have watched it.

Recently a guy ask me whether him watching porn is keeping him single.

Kind of caught me off guard, but then I replied to him. No it doesn’t and here’s why.

Women love watching porn too. They may not admit it at first but they do.

Sex is a natural desire for men and women, just like us needing food.

Some just enjoy it and need it more than others.

Sex releases stress and tension from your body. It’s a natural form of exercise that’s real easy to do and should be very enjoyable usually based on the two individuals participating.

An addiction to porn keeps you single.

Here’s why.

It’s much easier for you to talk to a beautiful, hot sexy woman on a computer screen than it is in real life person to person interactions.

There is no pressure, no crazy thoughts running through your head and you basically can have any woman you want in your little fantasy world.

But at the end of the day.

Guess what?

You are still single and alone. That’s why watching porn should only be a temporarily fix to release your stress and tension.

Most people will tell you that exercise work, but naturally masturbation works better.

Although, this may be true.

It’s much better having actual sex with someone you have a deep connection with and is sexually compatible to you.

You talking about relieving stress and tension. You will find out that you are more happier and energetic throughout your day.

That’s why you have to know how to get dates with women to find that special one that you connect with on all levels and you can’t do that watching porn all the time.

But you can do it with the help of Michael’s Dating Wisdom Newsletter at:

Michael Thompson