This is Shyt…Maybe I Should Kill Myself

since I can’t get a woman.

“Michael, I live alone, have no friends, women don’t like me, I’m soon to be 30 and I have nothing. I feel so weak, living each day isolated while women taunt me, sleep with my brother, pretend to love me and use me like a inmate in a halfway house.

How do I fix this?”

— Freddie, NY

Don’t give up.

I’ve been in your shoes before feeling like a complete nobody and no matter how well I was put together, women would always reject me. I figured out that I wasn’t having any success on my own so I got help.

I started learning secrets from someone that was already having success with women and that made a big difference. You can easily turn your luck around with women and not have to kill yourself in the process by learning these same secrets.

If you are ready to stop feeling like a complete loser and let women know you exist on this earth. Then put down your gun and sign up to read Michael’s Dating Wisdom Newsletter here:

Michael Thompson