Insecurities Are For Losers…That’s How Stalkers Are Born

2016-12-03_2049Are you really that afraid of losing her?

A reader ask…

“Michael, I’m currently in a relationship with this girl and sent her a friend request on facebook once we made it official.

I see that she has her relationship status hidden and no indication of us in a relationship on her profile.

There are no pictures of us and it’s unlikely for her not to be active on facebook since that’s her thing.

I was curious so I snooped around her profile and saw that she just added a few random guys located in her area also liking one of their profile pictures. Should I be worried and what should I do?

— John P.”

Stop being insecure man and if you need to see it on her facebook profile that y’all are in a relationship. It’s over before it even starts.

You just started dating this woman and you’re already having insecurities about her, let her go. You’re basically telling yourself that you don’t deserve her and is afraid that another man is going to come take her right from under your nose.

Thinking and having a mindset like that is going to keep you single, probably label as a creep and a stalker. Also you are telling her that you really don’t trust her and not being able to trust someone you are dating is the exact formula for a disaster waiting to happen.

Why put yourself through all this stress when all you have to do is learn how to have her thinking about and wanting to be with only you all the time. It won’t happen by stalking her, not trusting her, but it will definitely happen when you sign up to read Michael’s Dating Wisdom Newsletter here:

Michael Thompson