Do Women Just Not Like You Or Are You Intimidating?

This is really your problem.

I read in a forum today…

“So, recently I’ve started to wonder if women just don’t like me for the most part or if I’m intimidating/off-putting?

The reason I’m wondering this is because I am told that I’m attractive (cute, hot) whatever by a decent amount of women.

In fact, I work in a huge hotel and the most attractive girl in the hotel had a thing for me, just found out not long ago.

This got me thinking though, why doesn’t that happen more often?

A little about me, I’m on the shy side, more quiet, very tall (6’4″), muscular/athletic (200lbs), buzz cut/shaved head and I think I have what’s referred to as “resting bitch face”.

So I sometimes wonder if women are just intimidated by me too.

I’ll pass by women in work and say hi just to be friendly nothing more and I get very soft spoken responses, or sometimes they make awkward eye contact with me in passing never locking eye contact for more than a split second.

Sometimes I don’t even get a response at all.

And as far as one of these girls I’m talking about saying Hi or how are you to me…forget about it, seems like pulling teeth or something.

Ultimately I just find it strange how some women (usually attractive ones) will find me attractive in some way, never say anything to me (usually telling a co-worker) OR like I mentioned above women being what seems to feel like hesitancy or awkwardness around me.

Maybe I’m just overthinking this and I should just smile more often, I don’t know.

With all that being said how do I change this?”

— JGraham11

I work in a hotel also so I understand the variety and the amount of women you see every day. That’s probably where you be the majority of your time, especially during peak season.

Here’s what I would do in your situation:

The girl you said that like you above (if you like her too), approach her, start a conversation and then ask for her number.

Then go on from there and set up a date.

And this goes for you too.

It doesn’t matter where you work, there is always one girl that you have your eyes on.

Let her know you’re interested.

Don’t tell a co-worker to do it and see what she says…walk up and be a man about it.

You’ll be surprised how she doesn’t get that often.

And if you need some guidance on how to do it properly then my Master Seducer System can have you prep and ready to go by lunchtime.

It’s a short 30-page eBook packed with easy-to-use and actionable information to turn you into a woman getting machine.

I get it, you only looking for one…so why not get the best one?

If you should want to read more about it, then just head to the link below:

Helping you find your perfect partner,

Michael Thompson
Dating Consultant