The Most Stupidest Way To Try To See If A Woman Is Interested In You

This is the only way to get your first date…second…and third date with a beautiful woman.

I read in a forum today…

“Last night I met a woman from Tinder (me 26, her 24). We went for drinks for a few hours and seemed to get on well. I am definitely attracted to her.

At the end of the night, she said ‘It was really nice to meet you, would you want to do this again?’ So I said ‘Yes definitely, maybe we could meet next week for some mini golf or something’ to which she seemed keen.

She was getting a bus home so I said ‘text me that you got home safely’ and she said she would.

So it’s now the next morning and she didn’t text.

Most of the time I get this text – when they are really interested it comes pretty quick and might say they had a great time.

I sort of see this as a bad sign – I don’t know whether to text her this morning saying I had a great time etc or wait, not text her and see if she gets in touch first. If she doesn’t then I sort of have my answer?”

— Sbla22

Getting a second date might be the hardest thing for a man to do these days in the dating world. It shouldn’t, but it is.

Especially for you. (maybe getting the first date is even harder)

Here’s why:

You meet a woman and then HOPE that everything goes well and she says yes to see you again in a week.

You are doing everything backwards.

It’s not on the date that you see if she’s interested, it’s before.

I know you kind of lost and maybe think I’m crazy.

So listen carefully,

When you meet a woman, you are attracted to her and she may be attracted to you. But at that moment you and her are two strangers to each other.

Unless one of y’all ask the other something, you don’t know anything about that person.

So if you don’t know anything about her and she doesn’t know anything about you…then how can you know if she’s interested in you or you is interested in her.

It’s not her looks or your looks that determine that because that’s simply attraction.

So the point of meeting a woman for drinks and know nothing about her is just stupid when you can do that on the dating app or site through messages.

And then to use a simple text phrase to determine if she’s really interested is plain out ignorant.

Believe me, if she really was fascinated with you, she would be asking you for the second date (actually mean it) and you might even gotten a kiss if you tried. (you have to have balls to do that)


This can be orchestrated before you ever go on a date and all you have to do is have fun and not worry if she will want a second or third date with you.

She will probably say it before the date is halfway in.

But it starts with meeting the right woman that’s compatible with you on all levels.

That’s where my Dating Wisdom Newsletter comes in.

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Michael Thompson
Dating Consultant