Is your mind causing you to grow old and alone?
I read in a forum today…
“It’s a female customer that comes to my shop mostly on Saturdays.
I think she’s sweet, shy and my type.
Chatting with her is kind of tricky since it’s only a few minutes every week.
So today on the shop floor we bump into each other, chat, had a few laughs and then we said goodbye.
At that moment I was convinced she was interested in me.
The shock on her face when we bump into each other, the way she chatted like she wanted too, and the way she said bye.
After a few hours, I am now unsure.
I know by tomorrow I would have convinced myself that she’s not interested and by Saturday convince myself that I mean nothing at all to her, it’s just in my head.
More bullshit to dream up to pretend I’m interesting or attractive.
My mind just works like this. It always has.
Any tips on how I stop this from happening?”
— Triple Bogey
Your mind is a powerful thing and can really have your thoughts playing with your head and leave you confused.
In dating, there are this disease men catch when they like a woman and it’s called “making assumptions.”
When you make assumptions just base off your own thoughts, you’re just really making an ASS- out of – yourself (not you and me in this case which is the actual meaning).
What I’m trying to tell you is stop thinking and act.
Never make any kind of assumption on any woman until you actually talk to her, because only then will you know the truth.
Another way to avoid making assumptions is to actually know what to say and do to not only get her to enjoy being around you but also wanting to date a guy like you.
Most men including you miss out on great women because of fear and assumptions.
Aren’t you tired…
…of counting yourself out before you even attempting to talk to women
…of feeling sorry for yourself because you don’t have the courage to open up your mouth
…of being alone because you are afraid to put yourself out there and take a chance.
Luckily for you, I created a newsletter to eliminate any roadblocks you may be struggling with so you can start having your arms wrap around a beautiful woman at the park by the weekend.
It’s called Michael’s Dating Wisdom Newsletter.
You will learn a simple way to tell immediately if she’s really interested in you and how to act on it.
Never doubt yourself again, wonder if a woman is interested in you or have low self-esteem instead enjoy feeling you have a shot, able to know if she’s interested quickly and have much more confident in yourself.
You can quit feeling overwhelmed, pressured and needy and feel relaxed, driven and ready to pursue more women even if you get turned down.
There’s a whole lot more you will discover.
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Michael Thompson
Dating Consultant